About Us
The NFAA Easton Yankton Archery Center will be offering Bowhunter's Safety AND HuntSAFE courses both this spring and fall! These classes are put on by the SD Game, Fish, and Parks and taught by volunteer instructors.
For the HuntSAFE course, if your student has already taken the test/course online and just needs to complete the live-fire demonstration, they only need to come to the Sunday class. For more information on these classes, please visit the SD Game, Fish, and Parks Website.
Bowhunter Safety
Sunday, August 11
8 AM - 5 PM
The online course option teaches safety in the field, bowhunting basics, shot placement, and recovery techniques through easy-to-understand information, instructional videos, and detailed illustrations.
Spring Session
Thursday, April 4 - Classroom Day
6 PM - 8:30 PM
Friday, April 5 - Classroom Day
6 PM - 8:30 PM
Saturday, April 6 - Field Day
8 AM - 1 PM
Fall Session #1:
Saturday, August 3 - Classroom Day
8 AM - 2 PM
Sunday, August 4 - Field Day
12 PM - 4 PM
Fall Session #2:
Saturday, September 14 - Classroom Day
10 AM - 4 PM
Sunday, August 15 - Field Day
12 PM - 4 PM